World Center for Leadership Development
Transforming Today's Normal People Into Tomorrow Great Leaders
Through Innovative Leadership Development Programs
Competencies Emphazised:
ECQ 5: Building Coalitions
Political Savvy
7 hrs
No dates currently scheduled
Senior Executive Orientation Briefing: Being Future Ready - Leading Government's Workforce
In the United States for example, the keystone of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, the Senior Executive Service (SES) was established to "...ensure that the executive management of the United States is responsive to the needs, policies, and goals of the nation and otherwise is of the highest quality." This model can be implemented by your country's governments.
In keeping with the role of the SES, the overall theme for the program is "Being Future Ready-Leading Country's Workforce." The program features keynote speakers who are policymakers, current and former SES members, and subject matter experts. In addition to plenary discussions, speakers may engage participants in interactive exercises and small group discussions.
This program concludes with a mock judge administering the oath of office, an affirmation of Constitutional heritage and responsibility. Certificates will be mailed to participants after the program.
How You Will Benefit
Programs on Senior Executive Orientation are designed to strengthen awareness and competencies of SE through enhanced executive onboarding model. Depending on the organization structures, programs affect organizations, or government-wide executive onboarding framework, and Usild's framework for the continuing development of SES members. The philosophy behind this program is to:
Orient new members of the SES to their enterprise-wide role and environment
Provide practical advice on navigating unique challenges new SES members face in their respective organizations
Explore the career SES role as the link between top appointees and the rest of the organization workforce.
Who Should Attend
Career Senior Executive Service (SES), Senior Level (SL), and Scientific or Professional (ST), and other SES-equivalents.
SES Orientation is deemed to support Senior Executives in their first years of appointment.
Seasoned Senior Executives who have not previously attended are also welcome.
Additional Information
Additional Competency Emphasized: Executive Onboarding