United States Institute of Leadership and Diplomacy
Shining Light in the Midst of Darkness
With a deeper understanding of strategy communication, accountability, and organizational design, you will emerge fully prepared to help your organization drive short-term and long-term success
Driving Corporation Performance
Corporate performance is about much more than financial results. How can your organization align its structures, systems, talent, and processes to execute a winning strategy? In Driving Corporate Performance, you will consider the diverse aspects of company performance and how executives are using powerful performance measurement and management control systems to confront some of today's biggest challenges and opportunities, such as improving employee motivation, using AI and data analytics effectively, and reporting on ESG progress. With a deeper understanding of strategy communication, accountability, and organizational design, you will emerge fully prepared to help your organization drive short-term and long-term success.
Program Details
Drive your strategy throughout the entire organization
Translate your company's mission and business strategy into performance targets and measures
Implement more effective performance measurement and management control systems
Link a customized Balanced Scorecard (BSC) strategy map to a succinct, powerful strategy statement for your organization
Balance financial and nonfinancial performance measures
Design and lead a competitive, high-performing organization
Leverage human resource capabilities as an essential component of strong performance
Measure accountability and improve organizational design
Motivate the organization's talent, including front-line employees, to do their part in achieving your company's strategic objectives
Enhance competitiveness by better aligning all types of resources to customer needs
Strengthen employee relationships and build a strong and enduring culture of helping others to succeed
Expand your personal and professional network
Extend your professional network by living and working with accomplished executives from various backgrounds, industries, and countries across the globe
Build relationships with a diverse group of peers who can provide wide-ranging insights into your business challenges and career decision
Who Should Attend
General managers and senior executives (financial and others) who are responsible for designing and implementing systems to measure, monitor, and improve enterprise performance
HR executives engaged in aligning the organization's talent with business strategy
Particularly appropriate for: Executives with planning, control, and accounting responsibilities, including business unit heads, chief operating officers, chief financial officers, strategic planning officers, and controllers
Attendance by multiple company representatives will foster teamwork and amplify the program's impact. For example, attendance by general managers or chief operating officers along with senior financial executives, HR executives, or other senior leaders enables the organization to better align performance management systems with company strategy and to implement systems more quickly throughout the organization.