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Usild Certificates of Leadership Competencies


At the United States Institute of Leadership and Diplomacy, Certificates of Leadership Competencies  are awarded to participants who have successfully completed and satisfy the related requirements associated with the corresponding program and level.  Usild Certificates of Leadership  competencies are awarded at 5 levels:

  • Level  1:   Certificate of Leadership Competencies  - Aspiring Leaders /New  Leaders

  • Level 2:    Certificate of Leadership Competencies - Team Leads 

  • Level 3:    Certificate of Leadership Competencies - Supervisors

  • Level 4:    Certificate of Leadership Competencies - Mangers 

  • Level 5:    Certificate of Leadership Competencies - Senior Executive Leadership Level

Competencies-Based Leadership Development Programs

The demand for skilled leaders in the governments, corporations, nonprofits, and international organizations around the world is greater than ever before.  USILD’s leadership certificate programs are comprised of one to five-day courses with a focused curriculum designed to quickly impart knowledge, skills and competencies that you can immediately use. Courses are tailored to serve the purposes of align with the executive core qualifications (ECQ’s) applied by the United States federal government Office of Personnel Management.

You’ll assess your leadership effectiveness, gain core knowledge, and develop critical skills for leadership success, whether for your current leadership role or one you aspire to. Through a combination of core classes and electives, you’ll focus on essential leadership competencies while personalizing your own growth journey to help fulfill your Individual Development Plan (IDP). Each program culminates with a certificate signed by the Executive Director of USILD.

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