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Employee Development Strategies

We will create an agency-specific recommendations report incorporating strategies for recruitmentretention, and training and development to help ensure the most efficient and effective means of mission accomplishment. Through this process, we assist agencies in the development of short-and long-term strategies and targeted investments in people to create a quality workplace designed to attract, acquire, and retain quality talent.

Specific to training and development, we offer services to develop employees at every level to ensure the workforce is prepared to perform mission-related duties. These services include:

Linking Competencies with Training Curriculum


We will link competencies with current and available training curriculum for potential use in career path planning, promotion decisions, position management, succession planning, and employee development.  We will review training content and establish/confirm training objectives with supervisors and training staff.  We will also hold meetings with subject matter experts (SMEs) to link training objectives with critical competencies.

Training Curriculum Development and Implementation

We will conduct training needs analysis for targeted occupations based on an established Competency Models.  We will review current training curriculum to determine if/where there are gaps. If necessary, we will develop training courses (i.e., content, materials, instructor guides/training) to fill any gaps in current program, assist in developing an implementation plan, and evaluate training outcomes.

Career Path Planning

We will assist agencies in identifying targeted career paths, including the steps (e.g., grade levels, positions) in each career path.  We will also identify competencies needed to progress at each step, including the identification of training or experience to acquire those competencies. We will develop Career Path Plan materials, including maps, guide for use, or other documentation.

New Hire Program Development and Implementation

We will review current new hire recruitment, hiring, and on-boarding procedures across locations and hold focus groups to determine viable ways to standardize new hire procedures and develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). We will develop on-boarding materials and resources and hold communication/training meetings with stakeholders (i.e., supervisors, managers, trainers, HR, etc.) to ensure employees understand their roles and responsibilities related to the mission of the work unit and agency as a whole.

Potential Leader Program Development and Implementation

We will review current training and development options for potential leaders.  We will hold focus groups to identify and establish appropriate program activities, participant selection criteria and procedures, and develop a communication plan for participants and other stakeholders.  We will also establish a plan for evaluating success of the program.

Leader Development Strategy Planning

We will determine appropriate leadership segments and conduct a needs analysis to determine where additional training and development is needed.  We will develop an outline of recommended training courses and developmental experiences for targeted segments of the leadership population.

Continuous Learning Opportunities Program Implementation

We will review current available continuous learning opportunities (e.g., details, rotations, communities of interest, etc.) and conduct a feasibility analysis to determine the opportunities most likely to be successful.  We will hold meetings with management to select continuous learning opportunities to be implemented and which group will be accountable for managing these offerings.  We will also facilitate kick-off events/meetings or other communication strategies to explain the selected programs to potential participants and their supervisors.

Mentoring Program Planning and Implementation

We will assist agencies in determining the criteria for participation as a mentor and a protégé. We will develop participant guides that outline expectations and required or recommended mentorship activities and assist agencies in coordinating a pilot test of the program and evaluating the success of the pilot program. We will also develop a plan for program continuation and maintenance.

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