United States Institute of Leadership and Diplomacy
Shining Light in the Midst of Darkness
Senior Executive Assessment Program
If the next step in your career path is to be a senior executive or member of the Senior Executive Service in your Government, then you should obtain a focused appraisal of your readiness. This intensive program measures your potential and offers a realistic preview of your future as a senior executive.
An essential gauge is provided of your senior executive performance potential and determines your readiness to go through the Executive selection process, including interviewing and obtaining senior executive certification/approval.
Core Competencies:
Interpersonal Skills
Problem Solving
Strategic Thinking
Team Building
5 days
You’ll be exposed to a realistic job preview of the life of an executive so you can make an informed decision about whether it’s the right career path for you:
Assess how close you are to being at the Full Performance Level (FPL) on critical Executive Core Qualification (ECQ) competencies for a senior executive.
Receive essential preparation and guidance for a senior executive selection process.
Receive 360-degree feedback on your current ECQ performance from multiple sources and compare the information against the more accurate assessment center results.
Receive a confidential debrief on your executive performance.
Who Should Attend
Executives & Senior Leaders (non-SES); Senior Executive Service (SES)