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A strategic diplomatic leadership involves a multifaceted approach to international relations that prioritizes long-term goals, collaboration, and effective communication. By embodying these qualities and principles, strategic diplomatic leaders play a crucial role in advancing their country's interests, promoting peace and stability, and fostering cooperation on the world stage. 

Accepting Applications

Develp Competencies-Based Diplomatic Leadership

Program Objectives:

  • Understand the Landscape: Gain a comprehensive understanding of international relations, geopolitical dynamics, and diplomatic history. This includes studying treaties, diplomatic protocols, and case studies of successful diplomatic strategies.

  • Develop Analytical Skills: Enhance your analytical thinking and decision-making abilities through courses or self-study in areas such as political science, economics, and conflict resolution. Student will be submitted to the practice of analyzing complex international issues and identifying strategic opportunities.

  • Cultivate Interpersonal Skills: Hone your interpersonal skills, including communication, negotiation, and cultural sensitivity. Engage in cross-cultural experiences, skill in foreign languages is a must. You will participate in simulations or role-playing exercises to improve your diplomatic prowess.

  • Master Leadership Principles: Explore theories and practices of leadership, focusing on strategic leadership in diplomatic contexts. You will learn about effective communication, team management, and crisis leadership to prepare for leadership roles in diplomacy.

  • Specialized Training: Negotiation strategies, crisis management, and diplomatic protocol.

  • Network with Professionals: Build a network of contacts within the diplomatic community by attending conferences, seminars, and networking events. Establishing connections with experienced diplomats and mentors can offer valuable guidance and career opportunities.

  • Stay Informed: Stay abreast of current events, trends, and developments in international relations through reputable news sources, academic journals, and policy analyses. Understanding contemporary issues is essential for formulating informed diplomatic strategies.

  • Embrace Lifelong Learning: Diplomacy is a dynamic field that requires continuous learning and adaptation. 

  • Capstone for Leadership Potential: Showcase your leadership potential through proactive engagement in diplomatic initiatives, research projects, or community service activities. You will be challenged to take on leadership roles within student organizations, volunteer groups, or professional associations to demonstrate your leadership abilities.

Program Structure

Understand the Landscape

  • International Relations

  • Geopolitical Dynamics

  • Diplomatic History

  • Law of Treaties

  • Diplomatic Protocols

  • Foreign Policy of Great Powers

  • Geo-economic Integration Zones

  • United Nations: GA, Security Council, Peacekeeping

  • Rule of Law and Democracy

  • The Law of the War

  • International Litigation

  • International Criminal Law and Litigation

  • International Economic Issues

  • International Politics

  • International Human Rights Law

Develop Analytical Skills & Decision-Making Abilities

  • Case Studies of Successfully of Diplomatic Strategies

  • Analyses of Political Issues

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Selected Topics on Political Philosophy

  • Analyses of Economic Issues

  • International Case Laws Studies

  • Quantitative Research Methodology

  • Legal Research (optional)

Cultivate Interpersonal Skills

  • Participation in Simulations or ole-Play Exercises to Improve Diplomatic Prowess

  • Interpersonal Skills

  • Communication Skills

  • Negotiation Strategies

  • Cultural Sensitivity

  • Cross-cultural Experiences

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Languages Skills

Mastery of Leadership Principles

  • Explore Leadership theories and practice of leadership, focusing on strategic leadership in diplomatic context

  • Learn about effective communication, team management, and crisis leadership to prepare for leadership roles in diplomacy.

Specialized Training

  • Negotiation Strategies

  • Crisis Management

  • Diplomatic Protocol

Networking with Professionals

  • Build a network of contacts within the diplomatic community by attending conferences, seminars, and networking events. Establishing connections with experienced diplomats and mentors can offer valuable guidance and career opportunities.

Stay Informed

  • Understanding contemporary issues is essential for formulating informed diplomatic strategies.

  • Stay abreast of current events, trends, and developments in international relations through reputable news sources, academic journals, and policy analyses.

Embrace Life Long Learning

  • Diplomacy is a dynamic field that requires continuous learning and adaptation.

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