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Principle of Managing Organization

All small businesses need to be concerned about management principles. Management decisions will impact the success of a business, the health of its work environment, its growth if growth is an objective, and customer value and satisfaction. Seat-of-the-pants management may work temporarily, but its folly will inevitably take a toll on a business. This section discusses management principles, levels, and skills—all areas that small business owners should understand so that they can make informed and effective choices for their businesses.

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Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the functions of management.

  2. Explain the three basic leadership styles.

  3. Explain the three basic levels of management.

  4. Understand the management skills that are important for a successful small business.

  5. Understand the steps in ethical decision making.

Program Description:

This course offers a comprehensive exploration of the basic principles of leadership and management, financial management, human capital management, and guidelines for managing technology in the workplace. Participants will develop a solid understanding of key concepts and strategies to effectively lead and manage organizations, allocate financial resources, optimize human capital, and leverage technology for organizational success.

Who Should Attend?

Are you an employee who is not currently in a position of leadership, but who wants to be in the future? Or have you been identified as a potential leader, and anticipate moving into a leadership position within the next 5 years? Then this course is for you!

Level: Foundation

Tuition:  $629.00


Credits:     0.6 CEU's

Class Format(s):

This course is currently being offered in the following training modalities:

  • Online

    • Virtual Instructor-Led

      • Class Length: This class is listed as a 1-day course.

  • In-Person

  • On-Campus

Learning Outcomes:

After successfully completion of the workshop participants will be imparted with the following abilities:

  • Analyze basic principles of leadership and management.

  • Describe basic principles of financial management.

  • Analyze approaches to human capital management.

  • Describe basic guidelines for managing technology in the workplace.


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