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Team Management



In today's era of digital transformation, government organizations are more collaborative than ever, yet teamwork today looks much different than it did before. As a team leader, you may now find yourself leading teams in virtual spaces, different time zones, and home-office distractions. Your team members may be facing more than just work challenges and could really use compassion and care. How can you maximize your skills to not only achieve results, but also strengthen your team?

This course will help you develop fundamental skills to be an effective team leader and a team member. You’ll learn the stages of team development, teamwork strategies, and collaboration tools to effectively lead your team and reach organizational goals. You’ll also explore different ways of promoting a facilitative culture in your workplace, and how empowering your teams to exercise decision-making at all levels creates an ideal environment for team building.


  • Conflict Management

  • Continual Learning

  • Influencing/Negotiating

  • Interpersonal Skills

  • Leveraging Diversity

  • Public Service Motivation

  • Team Building



This course was designed introduces you to the art of leading in a government setting. You will learn and practice skills not only foundational to teamwork, but to other levels of leadership in government. You’ll build your capacity to foster high-performing teams by:


  • Identifying how your own styles, strengths, and behaviors affect performance in a team.

  • Exploring different communication styles, facilitative behaviors, and the roles and responsibilities of team members and leaders.

  • Learning about team dysfunctions, building trust, managing conflict, and encouraging accountability.

  • Improving your team-building abilities through practical application and feedback.

  • Acquiring a deeper understanding of teams, including a focus on team dynamics and effective team processes.

  • Learning how to coach for higher performance.

  • Reflecting on how to lead from any place on the team.

  • Using models and tools to more effectively facilitate teamwork.

  • Discovering your conflict management styles and how they impact team success.



Who Should Attend


  • Team members, team leaders, and supervisors/managers who oversee teams.

  • Individuals aspiring to become team leaders.

  • Individuals with team management functions.

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