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Climate change is arguably one of the most important global issues we face in the 21st century. It is widely recognized by scientists and many policymakers as posing significant risks, not only to the environment, but also society and the global economy. Governments have been attempting to address this difficult challenge since at least 1992—cooperatively through the United Nations and through national and sub-national policy. Most governments are also making plans to adapt to the climate change that is likely to occur.


An Executive Program on Climate Change

 Policy making for the Long Term is a week-long executive program developed by Harvard Kennedy School that covens policymakers and corporate leaders from around the world to consider:  the facts about climate change and its impacts; potential policies to address climate change; why some governments might choose to address climate change more or less vigorously; and how sub-national governments and non-governmental actors might complement action by national governments.



Developed by Professor Robert Stavins of Harvard Kennedy School, this program will provide you with:

  • Deep insights into the science, economics and policy of climate change, and closely related aspects of energy production and use

  • Cutting-edge research from the field

  • Analytical tools and conceptual frameworks to better understand climate related policies

  • One-on-one interaction with world-class faculty and leading experts in climate change

  • A global network of peers who will serve as an invaluable professional resource after the program


Climate Change and Energy

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