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Comparative Politics


114. Comparative Government and Politics. (3h) Analysis of political institutions, processes, and policy issues in selected countries. Case studies are drawn from Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. 


231. Western European Politics. (3h) Comparative analysis of political institutions, processes, and policy issues in selected West European countries. Special attention is given to case studies involving Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and to the process of European integration.


232. Politics in Russia and Eastern Europe. (3h) Analysis of the political, economic, and social patterns of the region, emphasizing the internal dynamics of the political and economic transition processes currently underway.


233. The Politics of Modern Germany. (3h) Study of the historical legacy, political behavior, and governmental institutions of contemporary Germany (newly unified Germany).


234. United Kingdom Politics in a Global Age. (3h) Introduces the nature and content of con­temporary United Kingdom politics by placing those politics in a wider analysis of United Kingdom history, society, and international positions. 


235. European Integration. (3h) Combines different approaches to the study of Europe by exam­ining European integration—as highlighted by the development of the European Union—through the lenses of history, politics, culture, and economics.


236. Government and Politics in Latin America. (3h) Comparative analysis of the institutions and processes of politics in the Latin-American region. 


237. The Comparative Politics of Welfare States. (3h) Examines the various ways in which the U.S. and other advanced industrial societies respond to a number of shared “welfare issues,” and craft public policy in areas such as pensions, health care, anti-poverty programs, family stability, and immigration.


238. Comparative Economic Development and Political Change. (3h) Overview of the relationship between economic development, socio-structural change, and politics since the creation of the international capitalist system in the 16th century. Organized around case studies of indus­trialized democracies, evolving Communist systems and command economies, and “Third World” countries.


239. State, Economy, and International Competitiveness. (3h) Introduces a range of impor­tant case studies of national economic performance and does so in such a manner as to illustrate the role of public policy in economic performance in a number of leading industrial economies (the U.S., United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, and Japan).


240. The Politics of Human Rights. (3h) Looks at the policy dilemmas that both restored and new democracies face when dealing with past human rights violations and how they engage in restructuring the domain of human rights in a changed global environment. 


241. Contemporary India. (3h) Examines the opportunities and constraints facing modern India across a range of issues including politics, international relations, economics, religion, caste, and the environment.


242. Topics in Comparative Politics. (3h) Intensive study of one or more major problems in contemporary comparative politics. Course may be retaken for credit if topic varies.


244. Politics and Literature. (3h) Examines how literature can extend knowledge of politics and political systems. Considers the insights of selected novelists. Thematic and regional focus of the course will vary with instructor.


245. Ethnonationalism. (3h) Concerned with the role of ethnicity in world politics. Focuses on both theoretical and substantive issues relating to: (a) nature of ethnicity and ethnic group identity; (b) sources of ethnic conflict; (c) politics of ethnic conflict; (d) policy management of ethnic conflict; and (e) international intervention in ethnic conflict.


246. Politics and Policies in South Asia. (3h) Surveys major issues relevant to politics and policy in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. 


247. Islam and Politics. (3h) Explores the interrelationship of Islam and politics in the contempo­rary world. Deals with Islam as a political ideology which shapes the structure of political institu­tions and behavior. Looks at Islam in practice by examining the interaction between Islam and the political systems of Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and others. 


248. Chinese Politics. (3h) Surveys the political institutions and processes in China (People’s Republic of China and Republic of China). Emphasizes group conflict, elites, ideology, as well as current policy changes in the process of modernization.

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