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Certificate of Leadership for Senior Executives Officers

A Focus on Building Executive Core Qualifications

In today’s complex, ever-changing world, management expertise is not enough to drive change and ensure success: You must also be a leader. That means you need a skill set defined by the ability to build coalitions, drive results and performance and guide organizational change.


Certificate of Leadership for Senior Executive Officer is the preeminent professional development program for public sector executives who want to sharpen their leadership and managerial skills. It's designed for GS-14/GS-15 federal employees and their corporate sector, international and military counterparts.

A Different Approach

This four-week executive leadership skills program will not provide you with the answers to specific challenges. Rather, you will learn a strategic approach and framework for problem-solving, conditioning you to ask the right questions. You'll immediately take on a leadership role in the classroom and gain the tools necessary to look at issues from a new perspective.


This leadership skills program incorporates the Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) for Senior Executive Service (SES). Many government agencies offer it as part of their Senior Executive Services (SES) Candidate Development Programs (CDPs).

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