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Center for Performing in the Art of Persuasion
United States Institute of Leadership and Diplomacy
Usild Center for Performing Art and Skills Building
Master the Art of Advocacy
The United States Institute of Leadership and Diplomacy holds a series of individualized skills building performances in the areas of art of advocacy, art of speaking with purpose (persuasive public speaking), art of debating, political leadership, and the art of diplomatic negotiation. Art of advocacy aims to empower transformational leaders with litigating and performing skills needed to place them in a position of actors expected to be strong enough and wise enough to advocate, implement policies transform communities, societies, organizations, nations, and our world for the benefice of people. To participate in one of the vents you are required to register for admission. These are selective and competitive programs. Places are limited. Interested candidates are required to apply as soon as the enrollment is open. So visit this site check the opening enrollment date and pay attention to the last enrollment day.
First Impression. Interview Techniques. Core Documents. Exhibit List. Pleadings Index. Cast of Character and Entities. Opening and Organizing the File. Prep for Initial Interview. Investigation. Motion Practice.
Establish rapport.
Acquire Method.
Not available
Not available yet
Tact & Diplomacy.
Self-confidence. Voice & Diction
Personality. Client. Constituency. Persuasive encounter
Investigative Techniques: source of info. Doc. Collection and review (liability). Doc collection & review (damages). Direct investigation. Investigation Risk & Pitfalls. Establish Forms (Lay Witnesses; Eyes Witnesses). Check List.
Acquire Working Methods
Trial. Court. Debate. Arguing Case Before Congress or Parliament or Any Panel. Litigation. Political Contest.
Board of Directors.
Settlement: Investigation and research. Evaluation (liability, damages, special damages, opposing party characteristics, client or constituency characteristics). Offer and negotiation. Timing of offer. Manner of offer.
Motion Practice: Initial Pleadings, Responsive Pleadings, Discovery, Dispositive, Evidentiary, Memo/ Brief
Advocacy Preparation: Game Plan; Theory of the Case. Witness(s) Preparation. Proof Charts. Conclusion: Advocacy Preparation Checklist
Opening Statement: Purpose of the Opening Statement. Preparation Issues. Legal Issues. Content. Legal Reminders. Opening Statement Checklist
Direct Examination: Getting Organized: The Witness Notebook. Witness Outline. Effective Direct Examination. Preparing Witness for Direct Examination. Forms: Sample Witness Outline. Witness Analysis. Exhibit Analysis. Checklist for Conducting Examination of a Lay Witness. Preparation and Examination of Expert Witness (Checklist). Checklist for Introduction of Documentary Evidence and Exhibits. Checklist for Using Demonstrative Evidence. Checklist for Making Objections and Excuding Evidence.
Cross-Examination: Introduction. Three Types of Cross-Examination (Constructive Cross; Credibility, and Destructive Cross). Planning Cross-Examination. Effective Cross-Examination. Style of Cross-Examination. Forms: Checklist for Preparing Cross-Examination. Checklist of General Purposes and Techniques for Cross-Examination, Checklist for Cross-Examination of Experts General, Checklist for Cross-Examination of Medical Expert. Sample Question Phrases,
Rebuttal and Post-Trial Motions. Post-Trial Motions. Forms: Checklist of Posrt-Trial Motions. Timetable for Post-Trial Motions.
Jury Instructions: Introduction. Preparation of Request for Instructions. Objections and Exceptions. Form of Veridict
Closing Argument: Introduction. General Considerations. Preparation and Delivery
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