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Responding to the Needs of Advancing Human Dignity 

ORPE Human Rights Advocates is a division of the Organization for Restoring Peace on Earth; which is a coalition of forces that stands up for causes of those who can’t assert their own fundamental rights,  encourages universal jurisdiction for abusers of human rights, empowers lives and families to  forge their own paths out of poverty, increase opportunity for women and girls, and contributes in reducing preventable disease.

Campaigning to Save Lives and Build Better Futures


​Campaigning and contributing in saving lives and build better futures for millions forced to leave their home counties. Within the scope of this project OHRA works to ensure that everybody have the rights to find refuges, having fled violence, persecution, war or disaster in their countries of origin

Empowering Partners of Great Purpose Influence Changes that Last


The project foster to empower and equip fearless  civil rights lawyers with advocacy skills and tools.  We support fearless agents of change engaged in the process of challenging state or non-state actors who systematically violates the constitutional rights of their own peoples

Empower Lives Become Economic Self-Sufficient


Lives and families living in poverty, an increasing number of whom are women and children, face deprivation, eviction. exclusion, insecurity and voice-lessness: interrelated issues that add up to powerlessness. This vicious cycle of poverty, which is the result of policies and actions by state and non-state actors, must be countered with the virtuous circle of human rights.

Standing Up for Those who can't Assert their Own Fundamental Rights

This project focuses on working to ensure that lives and families facing challenges have their rights being respected. In the United States, ensure that lives and families who are facing eviction, HIV, emotionally distressed and underprivileged peoples are being treated in equal manners

Empower New Generation of Wise enough and Strong enough Leaders Expected to Effect Changes


The project is deemed to empower and equip a new generation of transformational leaders who are expected to be strong enough and wise enough to advocate, implement policies expected to promote the spirit of peace, liberty and justice, and transform organizations, communities, nations, and our world for the benefice of people.

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