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Objectives of the Second Year Legal Studies at the USILD

The objectives of the second year in a litigation-centered legal studies program are designed to build upon the foundational skills acquired in the first year, focusing on advanced practical skills, specialized knowledge, and professional development. Key objectives include:


  1. Advanced Legal Research and Writing:

    • Develop sophisticated legal research techniques.

    • Enhance legal writing skills for more complex documents, such as appellate briefs and law review articles.

  2. Specialized Coursework:

    • Study advanced topics in litigation, such as evidence, advanced civil procedure, and trial advocacy.

    • Explore specialized areas like corporate litigation, intellectual property litigation, or criminal procedure.

  3. Practical Litigation Skills:

    • Gain hands-on experience through clinics, internships, or externships.

    • Practice advanced trial techniques, including voir dire, direct and cross-examination, and expert witness handling.

  4. Oral Advocacy:

    • Refine oral argument skills in more complex settings, such as moot court competitions and simulated appellate arguments.

    • Focus on persuasive communication and courtroom demeanor.

  5. Case Strategy and Management:

    • Learn to develop and implement comprehensive litigation strategies.

    • Understand case management, including discovery processes, motion practice, and settlement negotiations.

  6. Ethical Considerations and Professional Responsibility:

    • Deepen understanding of ethical issues specific to litigation.

    • Study professional responsibility in more complex scenarios.

  7. Client Interaction and Counseling:

    • Develop skills in client interviewing, counseling, and relationship management.

    • Practice drafting and negotiating settlement agreements and other client-related documents.

  8. Technological Competence:

    • Gain proficiency in legal technology tools used in litigation, such as e-discovery platforms and courtroom presentation software.

  9. Critical Thinking and Analysis:

    • Enhance critical thinking and analytical skills for complex legal issues and multifaceted cases.

    • Engage in detailed case studies and hypothetical problem-solving exercises.

  10. Preparation for Practice:

    • Prepare for the practical aspects of a legal career, including networking, job search strategies, and professional development.

    • Focus on transitioning from academic settings to real-world legal practice.


These objectives aim to equip second-year law students with the advanced skills and knowledge necessary to excel in litigation and prepare for their future careers as litigators.

Second Year of Law School at the USILD

The second year of a litigation-centered legal studies program at the United States Institute of Leadership and Diplomacy, students build upon their foundational knowledge and begin to specialize in areas critical to litigation. The courses in this year are designed to deepen their understanding of litigation practice, refine their advocacy skills, and provide practical experience. Here are the detailed descriptions of the courses:


1. Evidence

Course Description: This course provides an in-depth study of the rules and principles governing the admissibility of evidence in judicial proceedings. Topics include relevance, hearsay, privileges, expert testimony, and the roles of the judge and jury in the evidentiary process. Emphasis is placed on applying these rules in litigation scenarios.

Key Topics:

  • Relevance and Materiality

  • Hearsay and its Exceptions

  • Privileges (Attorney-Client, Doctor-Patient)

  • Expert Witnesses and Scientific Evidence

  • Authentication and Identification of Evidence

  • The Role of the Judge and Jury


2. Trial Advocacy

Course Description: This course focuses on developing the practical skills necessary for effective trial advocacy. Students will engage in mock trials, learning to deliver opening statements, conduct direct and cross-examinations, present evidence, and make closing arguments. Feedback from instructors and peers helps refine these skills.

Key Topics:

  • Case Theory and Theme Development

  • Opening Statements and Closing Arguments

  • Direct and Cross-Examination Techniques

  • Handling Exhibits and Demonstrative Evidence

  • Objections and Evidentiary Foundations

  • Jury Selection and Voir Dire


3. Advanced Civil Procedure

Course Description: This advanced course delves deeper into the procedural aspects of civil litigation, including complex litigation, class actions, multidistrict litigation, and advanced motion practice. Students will explore strategic considerations and the management of large-scale litigation.

Key Topics:

  • Class Action Litigation

  • Multidistrict Litigation

  • Summary Judgment and Other Pre-Trial Motions

  • Joinder and Intervention

  • Discovery Strategies and Disputes

  • Settlement and Alternative Dispute Resolution


4. Appellate Advocacy

Course Description: This course focuses on the appellate process and the skills required for effective appellate advocacy. Students will learn to write appellate briefs and present oral arguments in appellate courts. The course emphasizes persuasive writing and strategic thinking in appellate practice.

Key Topics:

  • Standards of Review

  • Appellate Brief Writing

  • Oral Argument Techniques

  • Appellate Procedure and Court Rules

  • Strategic Use of Precedent

  • Moot Court Competitions


5. Professional Responsibility and Ethics

Course Description: This course examines the ethical and professional responsibilities of lawyers, with a particular focus on issues encountered in litigation. Topics include conflicts of interest, confidentiality, attorney-client privilege, and the ethical duties of prosecutors and defense attorneys.

Key Topics:

  • Rules of Professional Conduct

  • Conflicts of Interest

  • Confidentiality and Privilege

  • Duties to the Court and Opposing Counsel

  • Ethical Issues in Settlement Negotiations

  • Misconduct and Disciplinary Procedures


6. Discovery Practice

Course Description: This course provides a detailed examination of the discovery process in civil litigation. Students will learn about drafting discovery requests, responding to discovery, managing electronic discovery (e-discovery), and handling discovery disputes.

Key Topics:

  • Drafting Interrogatories, Requests for Production, and Admissions

  • Depositions: Preparation, Conduct, and Use at Trial

  • E-Discovery: Tools and Techniques

  • Managing Large-Scale Document Review

  • Discovery Disputes and Motions to Compel

  • Protective Orders and Sanctions


7. Negotiation and Mediation

Course Description: This course explores the principles and practices of negotiation and mediation as alternatives to litigation. Students will learn negotiation strategies, mediation techniques, and the role of the lawyer in facilitating settlements and resolving disputes outside the courtroom.

Key Topics:

  • Negotiation Strategies and Tactics

  • Mediation Processes and Techniques

  • The Role of the Mediator and the Lawyer in Mediation

  • Ethical Issues in Negotiation and Mediation

  • Drafting Settlement Agreements

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mechanisms


8. Litigation Strategy and Practice

Course Description: This capstone course integrates the various aspects of litigation practice, emphasizing strategic decision-making and the practical application of litigation skills. Students will work on simulated cases, from initial client interview to trial preparation and settlement.

Key Topics:

  • Client Counseling and Case Assessment

  • Litigation Planning and Strategy

  • Pre-Trial Preparation and Motion Practice

  • Trial Preparation and Presentation

  • Settlement Negotiation and Mediation

  • Post-Trial Motions and Appeals


The second year of a litigation-centered legal studies program at the United States Institute of Leadership and Diplomacy is designed to deepen students' understanding of litigation, enhance their practical skills, and prepare them for the complexities of legal practice. Through a combination of advanced coursework and hands-on experiences, students will be well-equipped to handle the challenges of a career in litigation.

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