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Trial Advocacy Skills Development

Objectives of the Program

The LL.M. in Trial Advocacy is an advanced legal degree focused on the practical skills and techniques required for effective trial advocacy. The curriculum emphasizes hands-on training, the study of case law, and strategic planning for both civil and criminal trials. Through simulations, moot courts, and analysis of landmark cases, students will develop the expertise necessary to excel in trial settings.

Course Description

Learning Objectives:

  1. Master courtroom procedures and trial techniques.

  2. Develop skills in evidence presentation and witness examination.

  3. Understand the application of case law in trial advocacy.

  4. Enhance strategic thinking and litigation planning.

  5. Gain practical experience through simulations and moot courts.


Course Structure:


Module 1: Introduction to Trial Advocacy

  • Overview of trial advocacy and its importance

  • Fundamental principles of trial practice

  • Role of trial lawyers and ethical considerations


Module 2: Pre-Trial Procedures

  • Case preparation and management

  • Discovery processes and strategies

  • Pre-trial motions and hearings

  • Relevant case law (e.g., Hickman v. Taylor, Celotex Corp. v. Catrett)


Module 3: Jury Selection

  • Techniques for effective jury selection

  • Voir dire strategies

  • Understanding juror psychology

  • Case law on jury selection (e.g., Batson v. Kentucky, J.E.B. v. Alabama)


Module 4: Opening Statements

  • Crafting compelling opening statements

  • Storytelling techniques in the courtroom

  • Analyzing effective opening statements from notable trials


Module 5: Direct and Cross-Examination

  • Principles of direct examination

  • Techniques for effective cross-examination

  • Handling difficult witnesses and objections

  • Case law on examination of witnesses (e.g., Chambers v. Mississippi)


Module 6: Evidence and Objections

  • Rules of evidence and their application

  • Making and responding to objections

  • Handling exhibits and demonstrative evidence

  • Key evidence case law (e.g., Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael)


Module 7: Expert Witnesses

  • Selecting and preparing expert witnesses

  • Direct and cross-examination of experts

  • Case law on expert testimony (e.g., Frye v. United States, General Electric Co. v. Joiner)


Module 8: Closing Arguments

  • Crafting persuasive closing arguments

  • Techniques for summarizing evidence and appealing to the jury

  • Analysis of effective closing arguments from notable cases


Module 9: Trial Strategy and Tactics

  • Developing a trial strategy

  • Tactical considerations during trial

  • Case studies on trial strategy (e.g., United States v. O.J. Simpson)


Module 10: Post-Trial Motions and Appeals

  • Filing post-trial motions

  • Basics of appellate advocacy

  • Case law on post-trial procedures (e.g., Pennsylvania v. Ritchie, Wainwright v. Sykes)


Assessment Methods:

  • Written assignments and case analyses

  • Participation in mock trials and simulations

  • Preparation of trial briefs and motions

  • Oral presentations and advocacy exercises

  • Final moot court competition


Suggested Reading List:

  1. "Trial Techniques and Trials" by Thomas A. Mauet

  2. "The Art of Cross-Examination" by Francis L. Wellman

  3. "Modern Trial Advocacy: Analysis and Practice" by Steven Lubet

  4. "Federal Rules of Evidence Manual" by Stephen A. Saltzburg, Michael M. Martin, and Daniel J. Capra

  5. "Winning at Trial" by D. Shane Read


Practical Components:

  • Guest lectures from experienced trial lawyers and judges

  • Workshops on specific trial skills (e.g., cross-examination, jury selection)

  • Regular moot court sessions with feedback from practitioners

  • Internships or externships with trial law firms or public defenders’ offices


Course Duration:


The LL.M. program is designed to be completed in one academic year, divided into two semesters. Each module will include a mix of lectures, practical exercises, and case law analysis to provide a well-rounded education in trial advocacy.


This curriculum will ensure that students not only understand the theoretical aspects of trial advocacy but also gain the practical skills necessary to become effective trial lawyers.

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